Khronos is an advanced audio logging software for all kind of recording. The acquired files are automatically indexed by date and time, a simple media player makes immediate access to content possible, even from a computer on the network. If disk space runs out Khronos will automatically delete the oldest files.
The multi-channel is acquired via audio/video input and based on real customer needs and storage capacity.
Khronos has a setup which allows complete customization of software use: you can choose the length of each file.
It’s easy of use and his versatility make it an excellent tool for fulfilling the obligations established by law and other purposes.


  • Multi-channel modular structure expandable up to 32 audio channels (16 video channels) on the same server
  • Storage records are configurable to specific customer needs
  • Recording quality can be defined based on the available disk space, audio codec and bit rate
  • Automatically deletes oldest files
  • It supports Local Area Network (LAN) to view recordings from unlimited clients on the network or from remote computers
  • It allows the recording of the same audio signal in different qualities and modes
  • It can record the same source at low quality for logging, high quality for program replication and internet quality for podcasts
  • Allows the programming time of the recordings or controlled via LAN or GPI
  • Web server for listening to recordings remotely
  • Ideal addition to a system for streaming
  • Continuos system monitor and sending alerts and information via e-mail