Template CG is a simple and fast working tool that through a clear interface
allows you to customize static and animated graphic elements.
templates created will be available in Philo, for planning, and in Flu-O Tv for broadcasting.
In Template CG the user can control graphics elements in full autonomy, setting size, color, position, type of movement, speed, color and text size.
Content management is done through Content Manager, a WebApplication accessible from all computers on the network through a browser, which allows real-time updating of crawl, ticker, and rss texts and images.
Thanks to the perfect integration of Bitonlive products, the creation and management of thematic channels, and not only, is made simple and flexible.
- Background
- Static and animated logo station with transparency support
- Digital clocks
- Weather with images
- Crawl with static and/or dynamic content from ile
- Vertical/horizontal ticker, single/multiple row with static and/or dynamic content from ile
- Rss with images and content from web or local sources
- Set video mixer layout
- Tables
- Parametrized graphics with text from database (ex. Title and Artist)
- Images slideshow
- Compositions groups
- Preview